Renate Mikucevska

Produkt: Jobcoaching

Coaching-Sprache(n): Englisch

Coaching-Ausbildung/Zertifizierungen: Renate holds the Accredited Diploma in Transformative Coaching from animas Centre for Coaching (UK). She is a member of the International Coaching Federation, and holds the EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA) credential. Renate also has a Group Coaching and Facilitation Certificate. Renate also holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Economics.

Branchen-Expertise: Beratung/Coaching

1. Was sagen Ihre Klienten über Sie?
“I did a coaching with Renate to get more clarity and to improve my self-leadership especially in a professional context. In the process, however, many other aspects came to my attention that I had not been aware of. Renate’s calm, attentive and trustworthy manner made it very easy for me to open up about personal things and I gained a lot of insights and personal development during this time. Thank you Renate for accompanying me!”
2. Welche Möglichkeiten bietet ein individuelles Coaching – und wo stößt man eventuell an Grenzen?
Individual coaching creates a space for self-reflection and exploration, that can lead to more self-awareness and thus clarity of the situation the client finds themselves in to find a way forward that is rooted in the individual wants and needs. In my coaching I support my clients in strengthening their sense of self to lead the life they choose to build. Coaching only works if the client actively choses to make a difference in their life; coaching takes place in partnership but the client leads the way.
3. Woran erkennen Sie einen guten Coach?
I can recognize a good coach by their presence, how they treat their client or the group and how they frame their questions. I have experienced that the presence of the coach has a great impact on the outcomes of the coaching collaboration – and it is the hardest attribute to measure or capture in words, as it is a felt experience.


deutschlandweit online
Präsenz in: Berlin

Berufsausbildung und Berufserfahrung:

Renate has over 12 years of working experience in the public and private sectors working in fast-paced environments and on challenging projects in mostly international environments. Having worked in tech recruitment Renate has a special insight into the tech recruitment processes that now helps her to deliver training on Job search questions full with applicable tips and tricks. As aTransformational coach Renate supports her clients in their change journeys with empathy and through values and beliefs exploration.

Persönliche Interessen

improvisation theater, singing and painting

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