Fareen Shaikh

Produkt: Jobcoaching

Coaching-Sprache(n): Englisch, Hindi

Coaching-Ausbildung/Zertifizierungen: Systemic Coaching from artop (current) & ICC Certified Accredited Career CoachTM by the Institute of Career Coaching

Branchen-Expertise: Beratung/Coaching, Dienstleistungen, Marketing/Kommunikation, NGOs

1. Was qualifiziert Sie als Coach/Trainer?

For over a decade, I’ve dived into the world of HR, recruitment, and career coaching with a passion for uncovering your true career potential. As an international professional, I’ve felt the frustrations of job hunting firsthand and understand the challenges of navigating different job markets.

Whether you’re facing the silence of unresponsive applications or need a handcrafting a compelling resume and LinkedIn profile, I’ve got your back. I’ve successfully supported exceptional candidates in standing out and honing their interview skills.

Having conquered the complexities of the German job market, I’m here to demystify it for you, whether you’re a seasoned expat or just starting your journey. And if you’re thinking about a career change, I’ve been there too. As a career changer myself, I empathize with the unique challenges candidates face when transitioning to a new field. Let’s work together to showcase your skills and make your next career move a success!

And for those seeking career clarity, I specialize in guiding individuals through the maze of possibilities. We’ll uncover your strengths, align them with your goals, and create a path that feels tailor-made for you.

My goal? To make you independent and confident in your decisions, documentation, and demeanor. Together, let’s equip you with the knowledge and confidence you need to land your next fulfilling job. Cheers to your career success!

2. Was erfüllt Sie an Ihrem Job am meisten?

It’s like helping someone find their favorite song in a playlist. I love seeing people light up when they realize, „Hey, I’m actually really good at this!“ It’s like uncovering hidden talents and polishing them until they shine.

Coaching isn’t just about getting a job; it’s about figuring out what career tune makes you wanna dance to work every day. I guide professionals through the job search maze helping them find their strengths, and when they come out the other side feeling confident and excited about their path, it’s a win-win. When it comes to application documents, it’s no longer a daunting task. It’s more like creating a resume that proudly shouts, „I’m fantastic at this, this, and oh yes, this too!“ It’s a bit like assembling the pieces of a puzzle, and suddenly everything fits perfectly.

And interviews – They become less of a nerve-wracking interrogation and more of a friendly chat about why you’re the perfect fit

So, coaching, for me, is like being a friendly DJ for your career journey – we mix the beats of skills and passions until we find that perfect track

3. Worauf sind Sie besonders stolz, wenn Sie an Ihre Karriere denken?
When reflecting on my career, there are a few accomplishments that stand out with immense pride. One significant source of fulfillment has been my success in recruitment. It’s not just about placing candidates in roles; it’s about the journey. Actively searching for the right fit, often through platforms like LinkedIn, and then witnessing those individuals grow from junior positions to C-level executives has been a truly rewarding experience.

Another aspect that brings me immense satisfaction is the transition I made – moving countries and shifting from an HR professional to a career coach. Guiding professionals through their career paths and helping them navigate challenges has added a profound layer of fulfillment to my professional journey.

But what truly lights up my day is that moment when I receive a call or email from a client announcing they’ve landed a role we worked together to secure. It’s the tangible result of collaborative effort and shared dedication. Those messages of success are the real gems in my career, affirming the impact I’ve made in helping individuals achieve their professional goals.


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Berufsausbildung und Berufserfahrung:

Bachelors of Commerce , Consultant at „The Hertie School“

Persönliche Interessen

Spending time with my dog and partner, watching movies, playing basketball, yoga, pilates, attending live concerts

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